Georgia Darlington

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Georgia Darlington
Georgia Darlington is 20 years old and lives in Surrey. She has mainly competed in showing and has done since she was 3 years old as her mum breaks, schools and produces ponies as a living. She has ridden lots of different ponies since a young age. She has been very lucky to have had some amazing ponies which have given her great results in the showring. Wortley celebration: 2x wins at Horse of the Year Show and a Champion and a reserve champion. And a win at Royal International. 2010/2011. Tynwydd Good Friday: 1st and champion at Horse of the Year Show and 1st at Royal International 2015.
Lisa's Dream, who is her current horse, has won individual and team gold for the England Working Hunter pony team for the last 3 years and was also in the International competition last year where they won individual bronze and team silver. At Horse of The Year Show they’ve had 2x 3rds. She also jumped double clear at the Badminton Mitshibishi Motors Cup last year. As well as showing Georgia has also evented and showjumped affiliated.
Georgia's favourites: