Holly Colgate

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Holly Colgate
Holly Colgate Cooke is an amazing Dressage Rider. She has had Lorenzo her horse since he was an unbacked 6-year-old and he is now 13!
She spent the first few years letting him grow into himself and introduced competing slowly as he was scared of his own shadow, so she had to spend a lot of time showing him the world. Holly is super lucky to train regularly with her mum Zoe Sopp ex international rider!
Back in 2017 Holly and Lorenzo became Elementary Regionals and National Champions; 2018 Medium silver Freestyle Winter Champions and they are also 2019 double Advanced Medium Silver Region champions. Last summer she started our Small tour career At the Hickstead Dressage Masters in the Pre St George-Championships where she was Reserve Champion overall.
They are the 2019 Midway PSG Champions. In March 2020 they were selected for their first Small Tour International at Keysoe CDI3* International. It was a big step up for them and they gained so much experience from it and to finish in the top 10 with a couple of spooks she was very proud with that!
Holly's favourites: